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Crafting with a purpose. We make great things out of great yarn.

Yarn bombing is a way to bring unexpected joy to your neighborhood. With a crochet hook and simple crochet shapes, you can create anything.


  • Digital Patterns.

    Find dozens of patterns for yarn bombing and more. Made for crocheters of all levels. Patterns are available as a download to your inbox for easy viewing.

  • Portfolio.

    Check out the branded projects and advertising campaigns all made of yarn. Here you will find unexpected ways to use yarn to promote your business.

  • Street Art.

    Yarn bombing is when you create crochet or knit artwork in a public place and leave it there for people to enjoy. Take a look at some of my favorite yarn bombs.

Join the mailing list!

Free patterns, inspiration, and unexpected joy sent right to your inbox.

New Arrivals.

The 30-Day ARTrepreneur Challenge

You’ll get instant access to 31 bite-size videos walking you through the full 30-day challenge. Discover what you can do to turn your creative skills into a successful way of life. From selling handmade scarves as a teenager to being commissioned to crochet an entire billboard in Times Square, London Kaye has grown her hobby into a successful career. Follow her 30-day challenge to give your creative endeavor the boost that it needs to become a financially lucrative business that still brings you joy.





Save 20% with code ‘CLUELESS’.

New collection.

Handmade crocheted bags inspired by the iconic Notorious B.I.G. sweater.


  • Kelly Clarkson Show

    See how London Kaye yarn bombed the Kelly Clarkson studio in Los Angeles, CA. The entire room is covered in crochet!

  • Unplug for a Cause

    Join digital wellness company, Lilspace and unplug. Learn how to crochet a Welcome Home sign for people moving out of homelessness.

  • Love Across the USA

    We crochet art in large scale public murals celebrating women’s voices. It is only as a united group that we can create change.